St@llion Chrome Plated Chicken Shaped Wire Egg Storage Basket Holder Rack


  • Il prezzo più alto dal: 30-03-2022 è stato: 46.10 EUR
  • Il prezzo più basso dal: 13-10-2020 è stato: 15.86 EUR

Il prodotto nel tempo ha cambiato prezzo.


With chicken-shaped egg holder, packing all your eggs into one place is a good thing.This hen-shaped egg holder is big enough to store up to two dozen regular eggs (24 Eggs)
With its open wire design, you can also keep your eggs at a consistent room temperature, and away from any pungent foods in your fridge
It also keeps them close to hand – perfect for when you’re cooking or baking
This classic hen-shaped egg container keeps eggs cool, safe, and all-set to bake
Just plunge your hand in and grab an egg. You’ll never come up empty-handed.


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